Sunday, November 14, 2010

G is for

Well G week has come and gone! Another 2 week letter week....not because I was so full of activities but because we had a trip to New England to visit family for a week and school (although I brought it with us) just didn't seem to happen!

G is for Geometry! For lack of anything better to study and although it is not the sound of G I was going for with my 3 year old we spent the week learning about shapes. We read a variety of great shapes books from our library.

We went on a shape hunt to find shapes in the living room of my in-laws house. I was surprised at how many my 3 year old was able to find on her own. I am finding more and more that she knows so much more that I have taught her! We made tessellations! I remember doing these in geometry class in high school and one of our books talked about them so I thought that Snow White would enjoy making one. She chose the trapezoid from our Geometric cabinet (a harder shape than I would have chosen!) and she got started. It turned out really well and she was very proud of it.

Flower Picker did track a triangle one time put then she had enough! She is still working on the tracing skills!

We also learned about solid shapes compared with flat shapes and used our geometric solids
Both girls really enjoyed using them.

Our author this week was Mirra Ginsburg. We read a varitey of her books including Do-Do's favorite:

Good Morning Chick

And a childhood favorite of mine

How the Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky

Overall I was pleased with what we got done and the amount learned this week. I am really looking forward to H week. H is for Habitats. Snow White can't wait!

Here is one last picture I thought worth sharing! Everyone at work on their handwriting!!!


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